yellow flag的词源


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Word of Random

fool: [13] Fool comes via Old French fol from Latin follis, which originally meant ‘bellows’ (and may come ultimately from Indo-European *bhel-, which produced English bellows). In post-classical times it developed semantically via ‘windbag’ and ‘fatuous person’ to ‘idiot’. Fool ‘dessert of puréed fruit and cream’ [16] appears to be the same word, applied (like trifle) to a light insubstantial dessert. Folly [13] comes from the Old French derivative folie.
=> folly


yellow flag:(表示船上有疫情而挂起的)黄色检疫旗,黄鸢尾


该词的英语词源请访问找单词词源英文版:yellow flag 词源,yellow flag 含义。